

Interested in attending a service or activity?   We encourage visitors to attend our programs.  Please check Or Emet’s calendar for upcoming events.  Most programs are free and open to the public. Contact our prospective / new members liaison.

Interested in learning more about or visiting Or Emet’s Jewish Cultural Sunday School?  The initial guest visit is free.  Please contact our Jewish Cultural Sunday School Director.

Want more information about Or Emet’s congregation and what we do?
Please contact our community outreach liaison.


Relying on dues payments for our services, activities and special events, we count on members as an important and integral part of the Or Emet family. There are significant benefits associated with an Or Emet membership. If you have participated in some of our events, we hope you enjoyed both ambitious and successful programs, and the opportunity to meet and congregate with other stimulating and inspiring folks.

While Or Emet turns no one away, we have strived to keep our dues obligations very reasonable.  Membership dues are fully tax deductible.  Further information about Or Emet’s programs and events can be found in our Online Calendar and the Illuminator newsletter.

To join us as a member, please fill out our online registration form, and make your payment via a check or Givebutter, which accepts payments via credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, and more.

Alternatively, you may download and print our paper membership form.  Mail the completed form, along with a check, to:

Seth Binder, Or Emet Treasurer
3820 Lyndale Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN 55409


When you join Or Emet you also become a member of the Society for Humanistic Judaism, supporting the mission to mobilize people worldwide to celebrate Jewish identity and culture consistent with a humanistic philosophy of life.