Or Emet Annual meeting and potluck picnic – June 5, 2016 10am – 2pm – Lake Nokomis Community Center

Come to participate in important Or Emet business! Members will elect the Executive Committee, participate in planning for 2016-17 and of course clap along as we recognize “Above and Beyond” volunteers.

Immediately following the meeting, we’ll gather for a Potluck Picnic in an adjoining outdoor area. Bring your family for the picnic and to enjoy Lake Nokomis’ amenities. And, don’t forget to help with clean-up! Click picnic.oremet.org to sign up for the picnic.

At Lake Nokomis Community Center 2401 East Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis 55417map  Parking is adjacent to the Community Center and in a nearby overflow lot.

For questions, contact picnic@oremet.org
For more information about Or Emet, contact info@oremet.org.

Or Emet Seminar Weekend April 7-10, 2016 “Routes & Roots: The Evolution of Secular Humanistic Judaism”

Rabbi Adam Chalom will present a series of dynamic workshops focused on the past, present, and future of secular humanistic Judaism. Register and reserve tickets at www.seminar.oremet.org

Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7 p.m. “Holidays Without the Holy:  Secular Approaches to Celebrations” — Hosted by CASH, a University of Minnesota student group, and co-sponsored by Or Emet — at Pillsbury Hall, Room 101, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Friday, April 8, 2016 at 7:30 p.m “Integrity and Community:  Humanistic Judaism and the Jewish Tradition” at Sabes JCC, Room M28, 4330 S. Cedar Lake Rd, St Louis Park

Saturday, April 9, 2016 at Hamline University, Klas Center, Kay Fredericks Rm, 1537 W Taylor Ave, St. Paul

Morning workshop 9:00 am-12:00 pm  “Judaisms-Enlightenment, Emancipation & Modern Judaisms”

Afternoon workshop 1:00-4:00 pm  “Jewishness:  Socialism, Yiddishism, Zionism & Modern Culture”

Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 10:00 am-1:00 pm  “Humanism, Secular and Ethnic Judaism, and the American Jewish Future” at Hamline University, Anderson Center, Rm 112, 774 Snelling Ave, N, St. Paul

Read More at http://oremet.org/routes-and-roots/


Or Emet Passover Seder

Or Emet’s Seder Celebrates Passover in the Humanistic Tradition 

April 23, 2016 at 5-8 pm at 1st Unitarian Society, 900 Mt. Curve Avenue, Mpls, MN 55403

This Seder celebrates Passover with a Humanistic Jewish service led by Eva Cohen, Director of Or Emet Jewish Cultural School. We read from a Humanist Haggadah, which includes both the legendary tale of the exodus from Egypt and modern Jewish exodus stories. Children from the Jewish Cultural School, adults and families all share in the festivities. Of course, the children get to search for the afikoman!

Or Emet members and visitors are invited to join us for a great meal of traditional Passover foods along with roast turkey and vegetarian alternatives. Everyone contributes to the potluck.

Registration is open April 4 – April 18 (or until at capacity). Reservations are required, capacity is limited and members receive priority. More information and signup link will be emailed to Or Emet’s listserv when the reservation period starts.

We depend on people pitching in to help! Please sign-up to help with tasks such as welcoming, table place settings, replenishing the buffet table and cleanup.


Due to escalating costs, the fee structure has been revised (if burdensome, fees can be adjusted). Members (recommended fees) – $10 per family $5 for individual attendees; Visitors – $15 for adults/teens; $10 for children 5-13 yrs; free for children under 5 years; $50 family maximum. Additional donations are welcome!

For questions or late reservations, contact seder@oremet.org or (612) 834-0197.

We look forward to celebrating Passover with you!